BamBirds 2021 Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for

Static Public Member Functions

static Rectangle cropBoundingBox (Rectangle r, Image img)
static Rectangle cropBoundingBox (Rectangle r, int width, int height)
static int numPixelsDifferent (BufferedImage imgA, BufferedImage imgB)
static int imageDifference (BufferedImage imgA, BufferedImage imgB)
static String imageDigest (BufferedImage img)
static int[] columnChecksums (BufferedImage img)
static double[] shapeMoments (int[][] mask)
static BufferedImage int2image (int[][] scene)
static BufferedImage convert2grey (BufferedImage image)
static int[][] computeDistanceMap (int[][] image)
static int[][] invertRegions (int[][] image)
static int[][] dilateRegions (int[][] image, int k)
static int[][] erodeRegions (int[][] image, int k)
static Rectangle dialateRectangle (Rectangle r, int dx, int dy)
static int[][] findConnectedComponents (int[][] image)
static int countComponents (int[][] image)
static Rectangle[] findBoundingBoxes (int[][] image)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBox (BufferedImage canvas, Rectangle box, Color fgColour, Color bgColour)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBox (BufferedImage canvas, Rectangle box, Color fgColour)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBoxes (BufferedImage canvas, Rectangle[] boxes, Color fgColour, Color bgColour)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBoxes (BufferedImage canvas, Rectangle[] boxes, Color fgColour)
static BufferedImage drawtrajectory (BufferedImage canvas, int parabola[][], Color bgColour)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBoxes (BufferedImage canvas, List<? extends Rectangle > boxes, Color fgColour, Color bgColour)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBoxesWithID (BufferedImage canvas, List< ABObject >boxes, Color bgColour)
static BufferedImage drawObjects (BufferedImage canvas, List< ABObject > boxes, Color c)
static BufferedImage drawObjects (BufferedImage canvas, List< ABObject > boxes)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingPolygon (BufferedImage canvas, Polygon p, Color fgColour)
static BufferedImage drawBoundingBoxes (BufferedImage canvas, List<? extends Rectangle > boxes, Color fgColour)
static BufferedImage resizeImage (BufferedImage image, int height, int width)
static int[][] computeMetaInformation (BufferedImage screenshot)
static BufferedImage analyseScreenShot (BufferedImage screenshot)

Static Public Attributes

static Color fontColor =
static Color boxesColor = Color.ORANGE

Static Private Attributes

static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger()

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